Niin, tämä tulee nyt sit enkuksi, mutta jos kieli ei aukea, niin lopussa pieni briiffi tutummalla kotimaisella.
All here, Joaquin, Sienna and Virpi |
Hi Joaquin and Sienna. Thanks for rocking my world once again. Well technically Sienna was here for the first time, but I think we've met in some earlier life or something because you felt like an old friend already! Even though I don't believe in past lifes but nevermind...
Couple work was awesome. Trying to time your own dancing to be totally in sync with each other was challenging yet amazing when success happened. And when switching partners I felt a moment of brief jealousy because had to watch Anna-Stina dance with someone else.... Stupid and cute at the same time.
Contemporary classes were in the league of their own. This is the part I loved the most, where I felt the most challenged and inspired and honored to see others shining. Could you Joaquim PLEASE come to Finland for a year, preferably before I turn too old to take part ;) ? Old ankle injury supported by soft cast and toes taped to ensure no further sprain.. Good to be over 30 years old, eh?
Technic classes were all too short, but maybe we'll get to the bottom of jumps and turns once you return?
Theater dancing was easy, but amazing to look at. Hoping I could share the video once you Joaquin get it edited :)
All watching the video of Roxanne from Joaquims iPhone screen... |
Enough said, let the pictures do rest of the talking.
Jouaquin ja ihanainen assistenttinsa Sienna saapuivat viemään jalat alta tanssin saralla viimeviikolla. Oli nykytanssia, tekniikkaa ja viikko viimeisteltiin teatteritanssilla. Oli mahtavaa, parasta ja ah niin raskasta. Nilkassa tuki ja varpaat teipissä, jotta vältettäisiin lisävenähdykset ja pysyisin tolpillani koko kurssin ajan. Ei ole vanhaksi tulemista.
Kun ihana ystäväni ja opettaja Virpi poistuu Seinäjoelle, on Hip Hop House hetken ilman uskaliasta nykytanssiopettajaa. On vihjailtu josko Los Angelesin ihme Joaquin muuttaisi Suomeen vuodeksi. Tasajalkahypyt ja hurraa-huudot eivät taida riittää kuvailemaan miltä se minusta tuntuisi :)
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